
灌溉绿地再生水余氯上限的研究 被引量:4

Upper Limits of Residual Chlorine of Reclaimed Wastewater for Green Land Irrigation
摘要 城市绿地灌溉是再生水回用的主要途径之一。为了保证回用水的生物安全性,回用前均经过加氯消毒且一般过量加氯。但是,再生水中过多的余氯对所灌溉的草坪草生长将产生伤害,甚至致其死亡。余氯上限的要求在现行的回用水标准中并没有体现。通过含余氯0.0~2.5mg/L的再生水灌溉苗期高羊茅与早熟禾的盆栽试验,得出再生水灌溉这两种常用草坪草的余氯上限值应为:高羊茅余氯不超过1.0mg/L,早熟禾余氯不超过0.8mg/L。 Due to increasing demands on water resources for landscape irrigation, use of reclaimed wastewater to irrigate urban greenbelt has become attractive. Chlorination as a disinfectant of tertiary treatment is the most common form in municipal wastewater treatment plants in China. Excess residual chlorine in reclaimed wastewater is harmful to growth of lawn grass. However, upper limit of residual chlorine aimed at reclaimed wastewater reuse for urban green land irrigation has not been promulgated. Lab-scale potted experiments with seedling of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. )(TF) and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensi,~ L. )(KBG) were performed to evaluate the effects of residual chlorine in re claimed wastewater on these two kinds of lawn grass. The results showed that. relative aboveground biomass, photosynthetic rate and total chlorophll (Tchl) concentration reduced to great extent with increasing of residual chlorine. The activity of catalase (CAT) of TF went up under low concentrations and decreased under higher ones, which was different from the decline trend of the same index of KBG. Considered growth of the two kinds of turf grass and disinfectant of reclaimed water, the upper limits of residual chlo fine in reclaimed water for landscape irrigation should be equal to 1.0 mg/L for TF and 0.8 mg/L for KBG,
出处 《中国草地学报》 CSCD 2006年第1期75-77,共3页 Chinese Journal of Grassland
基金 国家"863"课题"都市再生水灌溉绿地水质控制指标及安全性评价(2002AA2Z428111)"
关键词 再生水 余氯 影响 高羊茅 早熟禾 Reclaimed wastewater Residual chlorine Effect Tall rescue Kentucky bluegrass
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