We, at Northwestern. Polytechnical University, after m4ny yealrs Of solidincation research, came to realize that cluster, long recognized as the core of nucleation theory but never given thinking in growth kinetics, needs to be carefully studied in order to obtain better materials. For instance, we have found that such carefUl study explains why just an increase in pouring temperature can improve the phase morphology and distribution of the final microstructures in Al-Si eutectic system, Cu-Ni single phase system,superalloys,etc. We deem that the cluster size distribution (CSD) is not a constant as usually assumed but a function of temperatute, solvent-solute type, their interactions, heat preservationtime, alloy composition, etc.Let Ti denote the solid/liquid interface temperature and TL, the temperature of bulk liquid. The thermal history peliod τλfor TL to drop to Ti can be determined by Fodrler's law of heat conduction. If CL and Ci represent the alloy compositions of bulk liqluid and interface respectively, then we can calculate the relaxation time τr required for the equilibrium CSD that corresponds,to CL to reach the equilibrium CSD that corresponds to Ci, If τλ≥τr, then the system can reach the eqluilibrium CSD that corresponds to Ci and Ti; if τλ<τr, then, CSD in the melt will be the equilibrium one eorresponding to Ti only.The above highly condensed sketch of our new viewpoint together With Principles already known appear to enable us to explain semi-quantitatively the effect of overheat treatment on crystalline microstructures.As the size of clusters decreases with increasing temperature, thera exists a transition stage of melt structure between short range ordered crystalline-like one in the neighborhood of the melting point and gaseous-like one in the neighborhood of the boiling temperature. When the melt temperature is raised, clusters of Si-Si in Al- Si alloy or carbonides in superalloys decrease in size and tend to disappear. If the cooling is comparatively rapid, growth of clusters wil
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University