基于GPS授时的异地同步数据采集系统用于对分处异地的数据采集设备进行精确同步。系统硬件主要包括GPS接收机、美国NI(National Instruments)公司生产的PX I工控机、PX I6608计数器/定时器和PX I4472数据采集卡,软件使用LabVIEW进行编程控制。该系统原理为通过GPS接收机对PX I6608计数器/定时器授时使其在某一时刻产生脉冲来触发PX I4472采集卡进行数据采集。实验证实了该系统精确的同步性能。
A synchronous acquisition system with GPS timing is used to accurately synchronize dada acquisition in different places. The hardware includes GPS receiver, PXI computer, PXI6608 counter/timer and PXI4472 acquisition card, and programming language is LabVIEW. The principle of the system is using GPS receiver to time PXI6608 counter/timer to generate a pulse at a user specified time. The pulse is then used to trigger PXI4472 acquisition card. The experimental results demonstrate the accurate synchronization capability of the system.
Measurement & Control Technology