目的探讨新生儿重症监护室(NICU)中克雷伯菌感染的相关因素,并提出相对应的对策。方法对1997 年1月-2002年11月在NICU住院的719例患儿情况进行回顾性分析。结果有26例感染肺炎克雷伯菌,其中73.1%为早产儿。感染部位常见于呼吸道,其次为败血症及泌尿道。早产、低体重、机械通气治疗为新生儿感染的易感因素。结论增强医护人员的感染意识,重视手和环境的清洁和消毒,加强呼吸道的管理,减少侵入性的操作,加强营养,合理使用抗生素是预防NICU中肺炎克雷伯菌感染的关键。
Objective To discuss the condition and correlative factors of klebsislla pneumonia infections in NICU and in order to decrease its infection rate. Methods Seven hundred and nineteen patients discharged from NICU in our hospital from January first 1997 to November thirty-first 2002 were retrospectively analyzed. Results There were 26 patients suffered from klebsisUa pneumonia infections and 73.1% of these infants were premature infants. The most common infection was respiratory tract infection and the next was septicemia and urinary tract infection. The susceptible factors were premature delivery, low birth weight and mechanical ventilation. Conclusions the key points to prevent neonates from klebsislla pneumoniae infections in NICU were reinforcing doctors' and nurses' aseptic concept, paying attention to cleaning hands and disinfecting surroundings, strengthening the respiratory management and reasonably using the antibiotics.
Modern Clinical Nursing