Chen Shaoming holds that ,to be out of the difficulties ,Chinese philosophy must discardthe pastwayin which people seek the notes of western philosophical theory fromthe conceptions and categories inChinese tradition,andthat is the wayto elucidate China’s own experience by philosophy . He probes a newway for the studies of Chinese philosophy through an analysis of the cases“qi”and“huo”. Peng Yongjiehas the confidencein creating a philosophy of Chineselanguage ,whichis both philosophy andthought . Hetakes that only by deepeninginto the tradition and reality of the Chinese language world,can originate andrepresentative philosophy workin Chineselanguage be produced.Li Wei wu puts out that ,the constructionof 21st century Chinese philosophyinits theoretical morphologyis to be realized by ,on one hand,inheri-ting all the positive achievements in the 20th century Chinese philosophy ,and, on the other hand,thedifference and li mitation of the 20th century Chinese philosophy must be reformed and overcome . HuWeixi believes that ,the direction of development for the Chinese philosophy in the future is that ,for thefirst point ,theinnate tradition of Chinese philosophyis to beinherited and givenintofull play ,andfor thesecond point ,the dialogue with the western philosophyis to be carried out actively .Zhou Shan points outthat whether the case studies are emphasized is not only concerned with whether we can correctly under-stand andjudge Chinese philosophy ,but also concerned about if we can scientifically construct a new mor-phology of the 21st century Chinese philosophy . Therefore ,the development of the 21st century Chinesephilosophy needs both wisdomand emotion.
Academic Monthly