
当代生活与艺术之死:第二、第三和第一世界 被引量:8

The Current Lives and Deaths of Art :The Second,the Third,andthe First Worlds
摘要 当今所谓的艺术,主要是受20世纪七八十年代以来发展并在全球范围内扩散的美国式“艺术”观念所支配,而再也不受德语的“艺术”或法语的“美的艺术”体系所支配。自从现代主义诞生以来,艺术的历史使命的减弱或者消失已经成为事实,但从全球范围而言,“艺术的终结”这一论断仍有些夸大其词。因为在第一世界的艺术死亡之后(这里存在更多的是文化),第二和第三世界的艺术还生长着。艺术从根本上说还不是一个媒介事件和现象,而是一个同我们每个人相关的东西——不管它是不是商品。 The contemporary meaning of "art" is designated by its American notion as it has been developed and globally disseminated since the seventies and eighties of the Twentieth Century, rather than being predominated by that of the German "Kunst" or of the system of the "beaux-arts. " The historical role and its exclusive import of art are gone since the modernism, but the "end of art" is still an overstatement. After the death of art in the first world (there are more culture), it is still flourishing in the second and third worlds. In the final analysis, art is not primarily a media event and phenomenon, but something of relevance to each individual, to each of us-and that this may be so whether it is a commodity or not
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期39-45,共7页 Academic Monthly
关键词 第一世界 第二世界 第三世界 美学理论 艺术观念 First, Second and Third Worlds, aesthetic theories, death of art
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  • 1Peter Barger, Thoerie der Avantgarde (Suhrkamp, Verlag, 1980). 被引量:1
  • 2彼得·比格尔.《先锋派理论》[M].商务印书馆,2002年版.第119-120页. 被引量:17
  • 3Tamas Hofer, "Construction of the 'Folk Cultural Heritage in Hungary' and Rival Version of National Idendty", in Tanas Hofer(ed. ),Hungarians between ' East' and 'West. ' Three Essays on National Mycths and Symbols (Budapest; Museum of Ethnography 1994), p.48. The possages quoted by Hofer are by Georg L, Mosse. 被引量:1
  • 4Luis Camnitzer, New Art of Cuba (Austin: University of Texas Press 1994), p. xxii. 被引量:1
  • 5Patrick D. Flores, "Razstavitev Evrope v jugovzhodni Aziji, konteksti nove sodobnosti"(Undoing Europe in Southeast Asia, Contexts of a New Contemporary), Ftlozofski vestnik, voL XXIV, no. 3 (Ljubljana 2003), p. 95. The quotation at the end of the passage is from Nicholas Dirks, "Introduction, Colonialism and Culture", Colonialism and Culture (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1992), p. 3. 被引量:1
  • 6Karen Armstrong, Islara. A Short History (London, Phoenix Press 2001), p. 124. 被引量:1
  • 7Arthur C. Danto, The Philosophical Disenfranchisment of Art (New York; Columbia University Press 1986), p. 81. 被引量:1
  • 8Gerard Genette, L ' ouvre de l'art. La relation esthetique (Paris: Seuil 1997), p.11. 被引量:1
  • 9Ernst Gombrich, The Image and the Eye (Oxford, Phaidon 1982),p. 12. 被引量:1
  • 10St. John of Damascus, On the Divine Images. Three Apologies Against Those Who Attack the Divine Images (Crestwood N. Y. ; St.Vladimir's Seminary Press 2000), p. 19. 被引量:1












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