
新型火箭推进剂硝酸羟胺的毒性、毒理及其医学防护研究进展 被引量:3

Advances in study of toxicology of hydroxylammonium nitrate and medical protection against its poisoning
摘要 硝酸羟胺(hydroxylammon ium n itrate,HAN)是新一代液体火箭推进剂的主要成分,具有能量高、弹头初速高、易贮存和易操作等特点;但HAN可通过多种途径导致人体中毒,且中毒程度与其浓度及剂量呈正相关;可对人体肺脏、肝脏和血液等系统造成损伤。本文介绍了HAN的理化性质,综述了HAN经皮肤、眼睛、气溶胶以及饮食等途径染毒后的毒性、毒理学及其医学防护研究进展。 Hydroxylammonium nitrate(HAN) is a main component of the new liquid rocket propellants. It has the charaeteristics of high power, relatively low toxicity and convenience. The major toxic effects of HAN can induce damages of lungs, liver, skin and blood. There is a positive correlation between the toxic effects and the dosage. In this paper, the physical and chemical properties and the toxic effects of HAN, and medical protection against its poisoning are reviewed.
出处 《军事医学科学院院刊》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期95-97,共3页 Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences
关键词 火箭推进剂 硝酸羟胺 毒理学 病理学 医学防护 rocket propellant hydroxylammonium nitrate toxicology pathology medical protection
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