研发与测试一交互式名为“痛经健康促进信息网”网站。本交互式网站应用因特网结合文字、动态与静态影像、动画、图片、照片、相关网站连结,强调学习者与网站的交互式自我学习与自我管理。本网站建置在IBM WebSphere 5.0网络服务器上,以IBM DB2为数据库,美工与图片编辑与制作选用Ulead公司的PhotoImpact 6.0软件,动画档案则以Macromedia公司的Flash 5.0软件编辑而成。本网站参考国内外相关文献,经由专家指导修改编整后建置而成。38位高中女生参与网站在线学习的成效试验。研究结果显示,网站结合耳穴贴压后,试验者能有效的减低其痛经程度,痛经者的疼痛感觉、疼痛强度以及经期不适症状得到改善。大多数的试验者给予本网站很高的肯定评价,显示本网站有助于青少女自我学习以缓解痛经,并能提升青少女自我管理行为与健康促进能力。
To develop and test a new website, entitled "Serf-management: Health promotion of dysmenorrhea." This website applied Internet combined with word, active and steady image, animation, picture, photo and connection, and emphasized the way of self-learning and self- management on the interaction between learner and website. This website built up on the IBM WebSphere 5,0 server with the DB2 database. Software of Photolmpact 6.0 developed by Ulead and of Flash 5.0 produced by Macremedia was used. The content of the website was based on the review of literature and modified by the experts. This study recruited 38 senior high female students to join the further effective test. The result showed that the subjects, after applying the website with auricular acupressure, significantly ameliorated pain level, pain perception, pain intensity, and menstrual distress. Most of subjects evaluated the website in the highly positive result, that is, this website may help them to reduce dysmenorrhea, and to improve abilities of serf-management and health promotion.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
website auricular acupressure dysmenorrhea self-management