Objective: This paper is to provide policy recommendation to establish rational reimbursement system of medical insurance on the payment of dialysis therapy through the study of disease burden. Method: Disease burden is composed on direct medical cost non-medical cost and indirect cost. Results: The total costs of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis were 98 204 RMB and 84 141RMB. The direct medical costs of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis were 80 988RMB and 76 205RMB per patient per year. The direct non-medical costs were 6 014 RMB and 3 522 RMB. The indirect costs were 11 132 RMB and 4 414RMB. The payment rate of medical insurance for hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis were 65.8% and 72.0% of total costs per year. The debt rate of patient of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis were 8.2% and 3.6% respectively. Conclusion: A high burden of patients and medical insurance institution illustrated the necessitv to control the cost and improve their effect.
Chinese Health Resources