
A model of quality control based on recycling economy and sustainable manufacture 被引量:1

A model of quality control based on recycling economy and sustainable manufacture
摘要 People currentiy pay attention to a hotspot problem that how industrial production is evaluated and controlled based on sustainable development theory. Quality is one of the important indexes. Two mainstream theories guide us to realize the industrial sustainable development: mainly the circular economy and sustainable manufacturing are introduced. The basic characteristics of the sustainable manufacturing are introduced, and that quality management is important contents of sustainable development is indicated. Based on circular economy and sustainable manufacture theories, the drawbacks in the existing quality management models are analyzed. The requests that satisfy the big system "environment- society - economy" are summarized to build up a model. A Chinese traditional cultural principle is applied and the relevant contents are sublimated as the platform to set up the model. The new quality management concept models are put forward "T- D- R" three-dimensional structures and "ecological quality loop" model, from which the new quality concepts are formed The paper elaborates the contents and the process of setting up the models. The big quality problems of the system can be handled by the new quality concept and model that are validated in practice. People currently pay attention to a hotspot problem that how industrial production is evaluated and controlledbased on sustainable development theory. Quality is one of the important indexes. Two mainstream theories guide us torealize the industrial sustainable development: mainly the circular economy and sustainable manufacturing are introduced.The basic characteristics of the sustainable manufacturing are introduced, and that quality management is importantcontents of sustainable development is indicated. Based on circular economy and sustainable manufacture theories, thedrawbacks in the existing quality management models are analyzed. The requests that satisfy the big system “environ-ment – society – economy” are summarized to build up a model. A Chinese traditional cultural principle is applied andthe relevant contents are sublimated as the platform to set up the model. The new quality management concept models areput forward “T– D– R” three-dimensional structures and “ecological quality loop” model, from which the new qualityconcepts are formed. The paper elaborates the contents and the process of setting up the models. The big quality problemsof the system can be handled by the new quality concept and model that are validated in practice.
出处 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第1期16-24,共9页 生态经济(英文版)
关键词 Sustainable development: Quality management Big system Three-dimensional structures MODEL 循环经济 质量控制模式 工业 可持续发展 三维结构 ISO9000质量体系
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