The array induction logging instrument(HDIL) introduced by Xinjiang oil well logging company has not good explaining software. It could not get resistivity of stratum, resistivity of flushed zone and invasion depth of drilling fluid directly. Accordingly, it cannot give advantage play to solve resistivity of stratum by array induction logging instrument. In order to solve the disfigurement, this project establishes a mud invasion model to Junggar Basin′s middle or low resistivity reservoir bed which bases on array induction logging curve′s character, uses geometric factor theory and analyzes mud invasion character on experiment. We take computer reversion technique to combine simulate calculation results with scene logging respondence. At last, we get an ideal result of drilling fluid resistivity of stratum and invasion depth. This software is used to interpret a few LuLiang zone′s array induction logging data by XinJiang oil well logging company. The conclusion accords with testing for oil data. It gives advantage play to array induction logging, settles a good foundation to discern oil and water reservoir bed.
Petroleum Instruments
array induction, resistivity, geometric factor, reversion