
新中国国防动员体制建设的实践与探索 被引量:4

Practice and Exploration in the Building of National Defense Mobilization System of New China
摘要 我国的国防动员体制是在借鉴苏联国防动员体制、继承我党革命战争动员经验、结合我国实际建立起来的,其形成和发展大体经历了五个发展阶段:1949-1955年为应急性探索时期,1956-1962年为仿苏全面建设时期,1962-1978年为非常发展时期,1978-1993年为恢复调整时期,1994年至今为充实完善时期。通过对我国国防动员体制发展历程的回顾,可以得出以下启示:坚持党的领导,确保动员决策和平战转换的快速高效;突出政府的主体地位,科学规范动员供需对接机制;紧密结合国家体制改革,实现动员职责的普遍化;着眼于权威高效,构建实体性的国防动员组织领导体系;健全动员法规制度,构建“法制主导型”的运行体系;适应动员环境的发展变化,不断推进动员体制的改革创新。 The national defense mobilization system in New China was set up by referring to the Soviet system, utilizing our own experience gained during the revolutionary wars and taking into account the Chinese realities. Generally speaking, it has gone through five stages in its formulation and development: The first stage from 1949 to 1955 was marked by explorations to meet emergencies; the second from 1956 to 1962 by an all - round construction after the Soviet model; the third from 1962 to 1978 by extraordinary development; the fourth by restoration and readjustment; and the fifth from 1994 to the present by strengthening and perfection. A review of the development process of China's national defense mobilization system gives us the following historical enlightenments:(1) We must keep to the leadership of the Communist Party of China in order to guarantee the high speed and efficiency of mobilization decision ?making and the shift between peacetime and wartime; (2) The dominant position of the government must be ensured and the butting mechanism of demand and supply must be scientifically standardized;(3) The institutional restructuring should be linked with national defense mobilization and all relevant sectors and organizations should take up the mobilization responsibility; (4) A substantial organizing and leading system of national defense mobilization is to be set up with ensured authority and high efficiency; (5) Laws and regulations for mobilization should be amplified in order to put in place an operative system in which the regime of law holds sway; and (6) Reform and innovation should be constantly encouraged for the mobilization system in order to make the system keep abreast with changing conditions.
作者 徐奎
出处 《当代中国史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期29-36,共8页 Contemporary China History Studies
关键词 新中国 国防动员体制 实践与探索 New China, national defense mobilization system, practice and exploration
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