当3G 大幕在中国徐徐拉开,饱受争议的 TD-SCDMA 再次成为台前焦点。它的成败, 不仅事关数十亿人民币投资的风险,更是考验一个制造大国向技术大国挺进的雄心。
When 3G services are about to be de- ployed in China,TD-SCDMA,a widely disputed standard pushed by the govern- ment in the last several years,became the media focus once again.Being China's first international telecoms standard with own intellectual property,its failure or success is not only about several billion investment, but also testing the determination and wis- dom of China. It is hard to construct a standard.It is even harder to make a standard be accepted by market and bring returns.Without much precedent and experience,Datang encoun- tered many frustrations when industrializ- ing TD-SCDMA as an international standard.As putting all the stakes on TD-SCDMA, Datang finds that,it is much harder than imagined.
China Entrepreneur