目的 探讨清洁灌肠方法,以减少灌肠液外流及强烈排便感,改善灌肠效果。方法 将60例需要做清洁灌肠的病人随机分为试验组和对照组,每组30例。试验组采用一次性使用输液器连接高分子导管(吸痰器)灌肠;对照组采用一次性使用肛门管灌肠,两组病人灌肠液量均为500~1000ml。根据两组病人灌肠液外流情况及有无强烈排便感,比较两组灌肠法的灌肠效果。结果 一次性输液器连接高分子导管灌肠法出现灌肠液外流次数及强烈排便感次数明显少于一次性使用肛门管清洁灌肠法,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论 一次性使用输液器连接高分子导管进行清洁灌肠法效果明显优于一次性使用肛门管清洁灌肠法,是一种较理想的灌肠方法,尤其对于肛门括约肌松弛的老年便秘病人。
Objective To probe into the methods of clean clysis, to decrease the enema spillover and strong defecate feeling , to progress the effective. Methods To divide 60 cases into trial group and control group, each group is 30 cases. The trial group were used by one-off transfusion duct connected with macromoleeule duct, the control group were used by one - off anus duct , the transfusion were 500-1000 ml. According to the transfusion spillover and defecate feeling to compare the effective. Results The enema spillover times and the strong defecate felling in the trail group is lower than those in the control group (P 〈 0. 01 ) . Conclusion One - off transfusion duet connected with macromoleeule duct of elysis method is. better than one - off anus duct of elysis, and it is a ideal clysis method, especially to astfietion elder with loosen sphincter ani.
international journal of nursing
Macromolecule duct
Clysis methods
Clysis transfusion spillover
Stronger defecate feeling