
289例牙颌面畸形正颌矫治的回顾性研究 被引量:5

Retrospective Study of Orthognathic Surgery for Dentofacial Deformitiy in 289 Patients
摘要 目的:对正颌手术矫治牙颌面畸形的患者进行回顾性研究,探讨牙颌面畸形的分类、手术方式的选择与并发症的防治。方法:收集1985—2003年武汉大学口腔医学院口腔颌面外科收治的牙颌面畸形病例中,资料较完整的289例作回顾性分析,通过术前术后面型、咬合关系、颞下颌关节功能的临床检查、X线分析及下牙槽神经功能评测,对手术疗效进行评价。结果:289例患者共行手术449例次,282例(282/289)术后伤口Ⅰ期愈合,其余7例延期愈合,面型与咬合恢复满意;最常见的并发症是下牙槽神经损伤(12/289),其次是咬合不理想(10/289),其他并发症较少。结论:牙颌面畸形患者的外科治疗,要根据个体畸形情况和要求,经过专科临床检查、头影测量分析和模型研究得出确切诊断和设计,拟定治疗方案作好术前预测,选择合适正颌手术,坚持术前术后正畸,方能重建牙颌面结构的关系和咬合功能的效果。 Objective: To investigate the methods of treatment for the dentofacial deformity to achieve satisfactory facial appearance and occlusal relationship in the patients who were treated by orthognathic surgery. Methods: 289 cases of dentofacail deformity which had been treated by orthognathic surgery in our department were collected. The classification and diagnosis of the deformity and the effects of therapy were investigated. Clinical examination and radiographs were taken before and after surgery, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) function, and inferior alveolar nerve function were evaluated. Results: 449 operations were used to correct dentofacial deformity, most of the patients achieved satisfactory appearance and function. The wound of 282(282/289) cases obtained primary healing; the other cases got good results after dressing change or operation again. The most frequent complication was impairment of inferior alveolar nerve( 12/289), the second was malocclusion(10/289). Other complications were rare. Conclusion: The surgical treatment of dentofacial deformity must be chosen according to different types and locations, clinical emaminatin, cephalometric radiograph analysis, model surgery, visual treatment objective and use both orthodontics and orthognathic surgery.
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 2006年第1期55-57,80,共4页 Journal of Oral Science Research
关键词 正颌外科 牙颌面畸形 并发症 矫治原则 正颌矫治 Orthognathic surgery Dentofacial deformitiy Surgical design principle Complication
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