To our knowledge, stercoral perforation of the colon is rarely seen with fewer than 90 cases reported in the literature till date. We explored the principles of management to prevent impending mortality in five patients with this condition. Five patients, two males and three females, whose median age was 64 years, had sustained stercoral perforation of the sigmoid colon. Chronic constipation was the common symptom among these patients. Three patients underwent a Hartmann's procedure and another two were treated with segmental colectomy with anastomosis and diverting colostomy. There was one surgical mortality and the other patients had an uneventful hospital stay. Timely intervention to prevent and/or treat any associated sepsis along with extensive peritoneal lavage and surgical intervention to remove diseased colonic tissue at the primary stercoral ulceration site coupled with aggressive therapy for peritonitis are key treatment modalities in salvaging patients presenting with stercoral perforation of the colon.
到我们的知识,冒号的粪的穿孔很少比 90 个案例在文学报导到日期为止与少数被看见。我们探索了管理的原则与这个条件在五个病人阻止逼近的死亡。五个病人,二男性和三女性,其中部的年龄是 64 年,支撑了 S 字形的冒号的粪的穿孔。长期的便秘是在这些病人之中的普通症状。三个病人经历了一个 Hartmannos 过程和另外一个二与吻合和转移结肠开口术与部分结肠切除术被对待。有一外科的死亡,另外的病人让一所平静医院留下来。与广泛的腹洗室年龄一起阻止或对待任何联系败血的及时干预和在主要粪的溃疡地点的结肠的织物结合了移开 diseased 的外科的干预为腹膜炎的好攻击的治疗是在抢救与冒号的粪的穿孔介绍的病人的关键治疗形式。