

Marxist educational thoughts ″marching with the times″in contemporary China——Educational Wisdom of Party Central Committee Leaders' Collectives of Three Generations'
摘要 马克思主义教育思想在当代中国的发展,是以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民为核心的三代领导集体对中国教育改革与发展的实际领导过程及其指导思想为主线的。从“教育民主”,到“教育开放”,再到“教育创新”,三代领导集体不仅有各自鲜明时代的教育主题,而且分别产生了“新民主主义”、“三个面向”、“素质教育”等独特的教育理念,并提出了相应的教育发展战略和行动策略。这集中反映了党中央三代领导集体在实践中运用和发展马克思主义教育思想的与时俱进的特点。 Researches on the educational wisdom demonstrated by the three generations of the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee in their practice in guiding China's educational reform is closely related to the study of the development of Marxist educaOonal thoughts in contemporary China. As social" practices and educational practices develop all the time, ideas of education have been changing in different eras since the foundation of the People's Republic of China. Whether we are able to grasp the theme of the times is not only a new turn of practice but also one part of practical wisdom. Obviously, three generations of the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee vary in their choices of educational themes: from Mao Zhedong's "educational democracy", to Deng Xiaoping's "open education", and Jiang Zemin's " educational innovation". This kind of transformation meets the requirement of changes of the times and realistic development. Educational ideas take educational themes as its object of thought. Consequently, faced with different educational themes, three generations of the collective leadership of the Party have different educational ideas. Mao Zedong holds the new democratic educational belief in "establishing new national, scientific culture and education for the broad masses of the people". Den Xiaoping lays emphasis on the " three orientations of education to the needs of modernization, the world and the future". Jiang Zemin initiates the idea of quality education, focusing on the cultivation of human dignity and personality. The unique educational ideas conceived under the influence of different educational themes are a reflection of the intensification and implementation of the educational wisdom of the three generations of the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee. The strategies of China's education have gone through the three development stages of "educational revolution", "priority on education" and "educational
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2006年第2期35-45,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部教育科学"十五"规划重点课题(DAA030201)
关键词 三代领导集体 教育思想 马克思主义 当代中国 leaders' collectives of three generations educational thoughts Marxism contemporary China
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