AIM: To establish a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method based on the special primers of the interferon sensitivity determining region (ISDR) of hepatitis C virus (HCV), and to detect the sequence of the HCV ISDR.
METHODS: The universal outer primers and 3 suits of ISDR type-specific inner primers (A, B, C group) were designed on the basis of the nucleotide sequences of 6 typical full-genomic HCV. The HCV RNA in the serum that colleted from 27 patients infected with chronic HCV genotype lb was tested by the established PCR method, and multi-site analysis was performed on the PCR positive products.
RESULTS: The positive rats were 37% (10/27), 30% (8/27), 4% (1/27), and 22% (6/27) in group A, group A-B, group A-C, and group A-B-C after detection by the established PCR method. For the 6 HCV RNA positive patients, HCV RNA became negative when they were treated with IFN for 6 to 12 mo, and HCV RNAwas still negative in those patients 3 mo after the treatment.
CONCLUSION: The PCR method based on the ISDR of HCV is simple and reliable, and can be used in the detection of HCV ISDR in patients with hepatitis C and in the prediction of the persistent response to the IFN in HCV genotype lb infected patients by the number of mutations within the ISDR.
World Chinese Journal of Digestology
Hepatitis C virus
Interferon sensitMty determining region
Polymerase chain reaction