〔目的〕了解福建口岸艾滋病流行状况和趋势,为制定预防与控制措施提供依据。〔方法〕对1991 ̄2005年福建口岸地区艾滋病监测资料进行统计分析,对119例艾滋病感染者进行流行病学调查。〔结果〕福建口岸地区HIV流行近年来呈上升趋势;HIV感染者以回国劳务人员和交通员工为主;入境人群高于出境人群和境内人群;以异性接触为主要传播途径。〔结论〕福建口岸地区艾滋病流行速度明显加快,必须加强对口岸出入境人员的艾滋病监测、健康教育和行为干预,防止艾滋病从高危人群向一般人群传播。
Objective To understand the status and the trend on HIV/AIDS epidemic at Fujian port and provide reference of prevention and control. Methods The epidemiological data of 119 HIV infected persons in the areas of Fujian port from 1991 to 2005 was analyzed. Results The trend of HIV prevalence was rising steadily in the areas of Fujian port. The main HIV infectors were the labroad, namely returned laborers and transport staff. The entry infectors more than the exit and domestic ones. The major route of transmission was through heterosexual contact. Conclusion The HIV/AIDS epidemic has drastically increased at a higher speed recently in the areas of Fujian port. It is very important to enhance health education, behavioral intervention and surveillance programs at the ports to prevent HIV/AIDS sprending from high risk people to the general population.
Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine