
恐怖主义难题:一种多维视角 被引量:1

The Problem of Terrorism:A Multi-dimensional Perspective
摘要 不同国家、不同社会对恐怖主义有不同的价值判断和解释,迄今为止,国际社会对恐怖主义的定义尚存分歧。由于对恐怖主义的话语权几乎被国家这一国际关系行为主体所垄断,故战争及专制恐怖行为常常被忽视。在国际社会中,反什么“恐”、用什么“反恐”、怎样“反恐”事关各民族国家的经济、政治和文化利益,如何看待战争恐怖行为则是重要分歧所在。包括战争在内的恐怖主义行为是人类互相残杀的怪物,打击恐怖主义单独依赖军事手段难以成功。总体上看,人类尚未找到有效的办法来解决恐怖主义这一世纪难题。 Different nations and societies may have different value judgments and interpretations of terrorism. Up to now, there has not been a unified definition of terrorism. Since the right to discourse on terrorism has been monopolized by nations that are in the main body of international relations, terrorist behavior such as war and autocracy are often ignored. In international societies, questions such as what kind of “terrorism” should be combated, what means should be adopted, and how terrorism should be combated are all related to the economic, political, and cultural interests of the nations involved. Most importantly, there have been major differences among nations about how to deal with the “war on terrorism.” The author argues that simply depending on military resolutions, such as the monster of war in which people slaughter one another, will hardly achieve the ultimate goal of eliminating terrorism. Finally, the author concludes that, up to now, no effective way has been found to solve the issue of terrorism-a puzzle of the century.
作者 胡为雄
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期36-40,共5页 World Economics and Politics
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