用绿色苔藓、泥炭藓、西班牙苔藓、椰子壳碎块、碎砖块、腐殖土、木炭碎块、hydrotuon(一种经高温烧制后类似于蛭石的材料)和碎石子等9种材料为栽培试验基质,观察它们对兜兰Paphiopedilum callosum生长和叶片净光合速率的影响。结果表明,试验基质对兜兰叶片净光合速率、叶绿度(SPAD)没有显著影响。在腐殖土、三种苔藓基质中,植株有较大的总叶面积、植株鲜重和冠幅。不同基质对植株的外观质量有显著的影响。木炭基质中的植株生长率比其它基质的低,在腐殖土中的叶面积比在木炭中的高25%。三种苔藓、碎砖块、椰子壳碎块基质中,植株有较大的叶面积、新芽数和较高的外观质量。木炭使植株的外观质量显著降低且导致叶片发黄甚至死亡。兜兰在腐殖土中生长最好,其次为三种苔藓和椰子壳碎块,木炭最差。
A study was carried to evaluate the effects of growth and net leaf photosynthetic rate of terrestrial orchid Paphiopedilum callous, under the media of green moss, sphagnum moss, Spanish moss, coconut husk chip, clay brick, peat, charcoal chunk, hydrotron and stone. Every medium was supplemented 5 g controlled release fertilizer (Osmocote) respectively. After four months, net leaf photosynthetic rate and leaf greenness (SPAD) was not different among various medium treatments. However, plants had a greater total leaf area, plant fresh weight, plant width in the peat medium and three kinds of moss media. The different media had small but significant effect on visual quality rating. Charcoal medium caused a lower growth rate than others. There was 25 % more leaf area in the peat medium than that in charcoal medium. Otherwise the plants grown in green moss sphagnum moss, Spanish moss, clay brick and coconut husk chip had slight larger leaf areas, new shoot numbers and higher visual quality ratings. The growth and visual quality rating of plants reduced significantly in the charcoal chunk medium, as well as most death plants and yellow leaves. The plants grown in the peat medium had the best growth. The plants grown in the three kind of moss were better growth than that of other media, and the growth of plants in charcoal medium was the worst. Therefore The moss and coconut husk may be a viable complete or partial substitute for peat without a deleterious impact on plant appearance, marketable quality, or consumer acceptability.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences