Exploring the relationships between land use and soil erosion at different scales is a fron-tier research field and a hot spot topic in contempo-rary physical geography. Based on the scale-pattern-process theory in landscape ecology and with consideration of such influential factors as land use, topography, soil and rainfall, this paper ap-plies the scale transition method to establishing a soil loss evaluation index at different scales and puts forward a research path and methodology for mul-tiscale soil loss evaluation indices. The multiscale soil loss evaluation index is applied to the evaluation of relationships between land use and soil erosion and the research of soil erosion evaluation at multiple scales. It provides a new method for optimizing the design of regional land use patterns and integrated multiscale research.
Exploring the relationships between land use and soil erosion at different scales is a frontier research field and a hot spot topic in contemporary physical geography. Based on the scale-pattern-process theory in landscape ecology and with consideration of such influential factors as land use, topography, soil and rainfall, this paper applies the scale transition method to establishing a soil loss evaluation index at different scales and puts forward a research path and methodology for multiscale soil loss evaluation indices. The multiscale soil loss evaluation index is applied to the evaluation of relationships between land use and soil erosion and the research of soil erosion evaluation at multiple scales. It provides a new method for optimizing the design of regional land use patterns and integrated multiscale research.
soil loss evaluation index, scale, land use, soil erosion.