
啤酒酿造过程中脂转移蛋白糖基化形式的检出 被引量:2

Detection of the Glycosylation Forms of LTPl in Beer Brewing
摘要 利用MAIDI TOF生物质谱检测出了啤酒中LTP的糖基化形式,肯定了啤酒中糖蛋白的存在。LTP糖基化形式存在于从麦芽到啤酒泡沫的整个啤酒酿造过程。酿造过程中蛋白质糖基化的发生增加了蛋白的亲水性,从侧面解释了LTP等强疏水性蛋白稳定存在于啤酒中的原因。 The glycosylation forms of LTP1 (Lipid transfer protein 1 ) were detected by MALDI TOF MS (mass spectrometric detection) which proved glycoprotein existence in beer and such forms presented in the whole beer brewing process. Glycosylation forms could enhance the hydrophilicity of beer foam proteins, which explained the nature of stable existence ofhydrophobic proteins such as LTP1 in beer. (Tran. by YUE Yang)
出处 《酿酒科技》 北大核心 2006年第3期48-51,共4页 Liquor-Making Science & Technology
关键词 啤酒酿造 脂转移蛋白质LTP1 糖基化 beer brewing LTP1 (lipid transfer protein 1 ) glycosylation
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