目的 总结肝腺瘤的诊治经验。方法 回顾分析9例肝腺瘤的,临床资料。结果 9例肝腺瘤中1例诊断正确,5例误诊为肝癌,2例误诊为血管瘤,1例误诊为肝脏局灶性增生.结论 肝腺瘤影像学表现缺乏特异性,对有假包膜和混杂信号(用脂肪抑制后上的信号无变化)的多血供肿块应考虑到肝腺瘤的诊断,确诊有赖于肝活组织检查。
Objective To summarize the experience on diagnosis and treatment ofhepatocellular adenoma. Methods Clinical data of 9 patients with pathologically-confirmed hepatocellular adenoma were retrospectively analyzed, Results of the 9 cases, five were misdiagnosed as hepatocellular carcinoma, two were misdiagnosed as hemangioma, one was misdiagnosed as focal nodular hyperplasia, and only one case was diagnosed for hcpatocellular adenoma correctly. Conclusion The comprehensive imaging findings of hepatocellular adenomas were nonspecific. The possibility of hepatocellular adenoma should be considered at the presence of pseudocapsule, heterogeneous high signal intensity on T1W1, and the high intensity which remained unchanged after using fat saturation, However the confirmation of the diagnoses still relics live biopsy.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Practical Medicine
Imagiag diagnosis Hepatocellular adenoma