针对在高轮次吞吐和蒸气驱后仍有近40%的稠油没有被采出的实际情况,在室内进行了蒸气驱后注入热水段塞驱提高采收率的实验.结果表明:单纯注入热水驱替效果不好,采收率提高幅度仅为0.20%;注入相对分子质量为3 800万,质量浓度为630 mg/L,0.3 PV的聚合物溶液段塞后热水驱的提高采收率幅度为10.03%,且吨油新增成本最低,经济效益最好;而注表面活性剂和聚合物的复配体系段塞后热水驱虽然提高采收率幅度较大,但吨油新增成本较高,经济上不合理.
According to the practical situation that 40%remaining heavy oil cannot be recovered after high-turns steam soaking and steam displacing,the in-house EOR experiment about injecting warm water slug after steam displacing is carried out.The results indicate that the recovery ratio is only enhanced 0.20% simply by warm water driving.10.03% by injecting 630 mg/L,0.3 PV polymer slug with the relative molecular weight of 38 million before warm water driving and the additional cost of ton oil is the lowest,economic benefit is the best.The surfactant and polymer mixed system slug is well on recovery ratio but the additional cost of ton oil is higher,economic benefit is not satisfactory.
Journal of Daqing Petroleum Institute