2006年1月17日,适逢台湾明基电通集团收购德国西门子手机业务100天。这一天,由合并而生的新运营实体BenQ Mobile宣称顺利渡过了整合的第一阶段,并推出了首款BenQ—Siemens联合品牌手机。跟并购IBMPC部门后的新联想一样,BenQMobile肩负着华人企业整合全球强势品牌、东方文化对接西方文化的重大使命。这是一次前所未有的艰难探险。
17th Jan. 2006 is the 100th day since Taiwan's BenQ Group acquired the mobile phone business from German Siemens. On this day, the new entity 'BenQ Mobile' announced that it had smoothly got through the first phase of integration, and brought the first 'BenQ-Siemens' mobile phone to market. Together with the New Lenovo which acquired IBM PCD, BenQ is shouldering a big responsibility to integrate a strong western brand with eastern management and culture, as well as building up a world-class Chinese enterprise. This is surely a big adventure. On 18th Jan., Chairmen K.Y. Lee accepted an exclusive interview with China Entrepreneur. He shared his personal experience on organizational and cultural integration, and compared between BenQ and Siemens in detail.
China Entrepreneur