目的探讨新型鼠药中毒与癫痫样抽搐发作的相关性临床特点及特异性治疗。方法对56例新型鼠药中毒致癜痫样抽搐患者的临床表现、电生理检查、影像学资料及实验室检查结果进行全面分析。结果新型鼠药为氟乙酰胺及毒鼠强,中毒表现为癫痫大发作、肌阵挛发作与特征性表现。脑电图65 6%以额区异常为主,CT、MPI可发现脑水肿,少数病例并颅内出血,治疗加用特效解毒剂效果明显。结论新型鼠药中毒引起的癫痫样抽搐与原发癫痫发作有不同的临床特点及治疗,应引起临床医师的重视。
Objective To investigate the characteristic and therapy methods of new type murine - drug intoxication and epileptifom ticattack. Methods To analysis 56 raticide poisoned patients about the clinical manifestation, electropnysiological, examination, radiolongical manifestation and laboratory examination. Results Most of the components of the new type murine - drug were fluoroacetic acid amide and tetramine. After intoxication, the main manifestaion was haut mal epilebsy, and most merger some characteristic manitestaion such asdigestive tract symptom, clonic seizure, ect. 65.6 % of their EEG showed that most abnormality was found in fuontal region,and in CT,MRI antidote could get significant effects. Conclusion Epileptiformtic caused by new type murine - drug intoxication has various clinical behavior and therapy compared with prinmary haut real epilepsy, which should be taken into account by clinician.
Journal of Heze Medical College
murine - drug intoxication