目的:探讨螺旋CT容积重建技术在胫骨平台骨折中的诊断价值。方法:使用Pronto- SE螺旋CT机对48例胫骨平台骨折患者进行扫描,在Pronto Q·NET工作站利用阈值、不透明度、色度值选定完成胫骨平台容积重建,多方位切割观察胫骨平台骨折解剖结构。结果:48例胫骨平台骨折中Ⅰ型8例,Ⅱ型11例,Ⅲ型9例,Ⅳ型8例,Ⅴ型7例,Ⅵ型5例。VRT(Volume rendering technique)图象清晰的显示了胫骨平台损伤的立体形态、位置及骨折块分离移位方向。结论:螺旋CT容积重建技术,是胫骨平台骨折诊断的有效手段,VRT对术前手术计划的制定有很高价值。
Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of VRT (volume rendering technique) tibial plateau fractures. Methods: 48 cases of tibial plateau fractures were examined with pronto - SE spiral CT. The data were reconstructed in Q -NET workstation with by using different threshold, opacity and color data and observing the tibial plateau structure from all direction. Results: 48 patients with knee -joint were Ⅰ type in 8 cases, Ⅱ type in 11 cases, Ⅲ type in 9 cases, IV type in 8 cases, V type in 7 cases, VI type in 5 cases. The reconstructed images of VRT displayed the tibial plateau structure of tibial plateau fractures clearly, and can show the shape and location of the reconstructed technique, and effect of place after separating and removing state of tibial plateau fractures can also be shown. Conclusions: VRT of spiral CT is an effective method in diagnosing tibial plateau trauma, VRT possesses higher value in making surgical planning.
Journal of Qiannan Medical College for Nationalities