主要论述了型腔零件的三维设计与数控仿真加工,利用UG NX的M ode ling模块实现了零件的三维设计,利用M anu facturing模块实现了零件的数控仿真加工并生成了NC仿真程序,很好地利用了UG NX软件CAD/CAM功能集成的特点,在对零件实际加工前进行加工仿真,提前发现干涉和过切问题并及时进行调整,提高了效率,降低了次品率。
The paper introduces 3D modeling and NC machining of cavity part,the 3D modeling of the cavity part is completed in the Modeling function of UG NX,the NC machining and simulation of the cavity part is performed in the Manufacturing function of UG NX. By use of the speciality of CAD/CAM intergrated of UG NX,the course of machining can be simulated before the part is machining actually,some problem can be found and rectified in time,the efficiency is enhanced and the rate of waster is reduced.
Mechanical Engineering & Automation