为探讨水力停留时间(HRT)对厌氧反应器与好氧MBR组合工艺处理效果的影响,以印染废水为研究对象,进行了实验室研究。结果表明,在溶解氧(DO)浓度为1.8-2.6 mg/L的条件下,HRT为7.5、4.5和2.5 h时,反应器对 COD的去除效率分别为88.7%-96.5%、87.3%-97.2%和81%-92%,出水COD的浓度分别为78.9-51.2、81.6-50.8、93.4- 65.8 mg/L。试验同时考察了不同HRT条件下,活性污泥浓度(MLSS)对COD去除率的影响。结果表明,在试验条件下, 本工艺中一体化膜生物反应器中最佳污泥浓度应控制在6 500 mg/L左右。
In order to investigate the influence of hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the organic pollutants removal in the combined process of an anaerobic reactor and a membrane bioreactor (MBR), a lab-scale experiment was conducted using printing and dyeing wastewater as influent. The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration was controlled at 1.8-2.6 mg/L during all the experiment period. The experimental results demonstrated that when HRT was at 7.5,4.5 and 2.5h, the removal rates of COD were 88.7%-96.5%, 83%-97.2% and 81%-92%, and the effluent COD were 78.9-51.2, 81.6-50, 93.4-65.8 mg/L, respectively. In addition, the effect of activated sludge concentration (MISS) on COD removal was also investigated. It was showed that the optimum MLSS was better controlled at around 6 500 mg/L in this process.