
思茅菜阳河自然保护区植物区系研究——兼论热带亚洲植物区系向东亚植物区系的过渡 被引量:8

A study on the flora of Caiyanghe Nature Reserve in Simao,Yunnan with references to the transition from tropical Asian flora to Eastern Asian flora
摘要 云南省思茅地区菜阳河自然保护区地处联系滇南热带与滇中亚热带的中间位置,在植被地理和生物地理上十分重要,其植物区系计有野生种子植物1 920种,隶属于836属及178科。该植物区系以兰科(69属/223种)、茜草科(37/100)、菊科(47/86)、蝶形花科(33/82)、唇形科(28/62)、大戟科(25/59)、荨麻科(13/52)、禾本科(34/47)、樟科(12/44)、桑科(6/44)、爵床科(26/36)等为优势科。属的分布区类型组成以热带亚洲分布型最多,约占总属数的31%;其次是泛热带分布,占23.4%;热带分布合计占总属数的83.3%。种的分布区类型组成仍以热带亚洲分布最多,占总种数的60.6%;其次是中国特有分布,占21.6%;热带分布种合计占70.0%以上。这些特征均表明该植物区系热带性质显著,并具有印度—马来西亚植物区系特点,在植物区系分区上属于印度—马来西亚植物区系的一部分。由于菜阳河自然保护区在地理上位于热带亚洲植物区与东亚植物区的交汇地带,该植物区系中的许多热带植物均是在其分布的北界,植物区系又有明显的热带北缘性质。通过与滇南西双版纳和滇中无量山植物区系的比较,菜阳河自然保护区植物区系与西双版纳植物区系在区系组成及属的地理成分构成上很接近,它们同为热带亚洲植物区系的北缘类型。在云南南部,从热带亚洲植物区系到东亚植物区系的过渡与转变,显然发生在思茅菜阳河地区以北。从热带亚洲植物区系过渡到东亚植物区系,在诸属的分布区类型中,热带亚洲分布型显著减少,北温带分布型和东亚分布型显著增加。 Caiyanghe Nature Reserve in Simao is located at a transitional area from the tropical southern to the subtropical center of Yunnan. Intensive floristic inventory was made in the Nature Reserve. Total 1920 species of seed plants belonging to 836 genera and 178 families were recorded. Orchidaceae with 223 species of 69 genera is the largest family in size in the nature reserve, and other abundant families in species richness are Rubiaceae with 100 species of 37 genera, Compositae with 86 species of 47 genera, Papilionaceae with 82 species of 33 genera, Labiatae with 62 species of 28, Euphorbiaceae with 59 species of 25 genera, Urticaceae with 5 species of 13 genera, Gramineae with 47 species of 34 genera, Lauraceae with 44 species of 12 genera, Moraceae with 44 species of 6 genera, and Acanthaceae with 36 species of 26 genera etc. The areal types at generic and specific levels are analyzed respectively. The tropical elements contribute to 83.3% at generic level and 70.0-% at specific level of the flora, of which tropical Asian (Indo-Malaysia) elements contribute to 31% at generic level and 60.0% at specific level. Thus it is obvious that the flora of the Nature Reserve in Simao is of tropical in nature and belongs to Indo-Malesia floristic kingdom. As the nature reserve is located at a transitional area of tropical south to subtropical Yunnan, many tropical plants reach up their northern limit of distribution here. Therefore, the flora of Caiyanghe Nature Reserve is transitional toward the subtropical flora of Yunnan. Based on comparison to the flora of Xishuangbanna in southern Yunnan and the flora of Wuliangshan in center Yunnan, it is revealed that Tropical Asian elements reduced conspicuously, while Northern temperate and Eastern Asian elements increased conspicuously in the transition from tropical Asian flora to Eastern Asian flora in southern Yunnan.
出处 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期38-52,共15页 Bulletin of Botanical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30570128) 云南省自然科学基金项目(2002C0067M) 中国科学院知识创新工程项目资助
关键词 种子植物区系 地理成分 思茅莱阳河 云南 seed plant flora geographical elements Caiyanghe Nature Reserve Yunnan
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