Objective To investigate the clinical value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of innate dysplasia of kidney. Methods Recalled analyses were carried on the 44 cases with innate dysplasia of kidney who were firstly diagnosised by ultrasonography and then confirmed by CT, intravenous pyelography (IVP) and surgical pathology. Results 44 cases with innate dysplasia of kidney diagnosed by ultrasonography can be divided into 6 kinds of innate dysplasia of kidney. Contrasting the CT result with IVP and surgical pathology, 43 cases were conformed, the conforming rate was 97.7% (43/44). The omitted 1 case was renal ectopia and hypolasia, and the follow-up survey discovered further that there was a group of family polycystic renal and polycystic liver disease. Conclusions Ultrasonography in the Assessment of innate dysplasia of kidney has important clinical value with its advantage of non-trauma, high speed, economy and high diagnosed confirming rate. It can be used as the first choice in clinical practice.
Chinese Journal of Ultrasound Diagnosis
Uhrasonography, Innate kidney dysplasia.