对BSO晶体的旋光效应特性及BSO基光寻址空间光调制器的结构及工作原理的研究表明晶体旋光效应会影响空间光调制器的图像转换质量。根据不同波长和不同掺杂条件下BSO 晶体的旋光效应发现,在630 nm波长附近,BSO晶体旋光率为21.2°。在实验中通过对检偏器的调节来避免其对空间光调制器的影响,然后对空间光调制器的结构和制作工艺进行研究,通过实验测量得到空间光调制器的完整输出图像。
Based on analyzing the optical activity of BSO and the principle and structure of the BSO-based optical-addressed spatial light modulator (SLM), the influences of the optical activity of BSO on the performance of SLM are concluded. According to the optical activity of BSO in different wavelength and different doped states, the specific rotation of BSO at the wavelength of 630 nm is 21.2°. The influence can be avoided by use of analyzer, The output images of the SLM under different conditions are obtained in the measurement.
Optics & Optoelectronic Technology