
上海软土土水特征的室内试验研究 被引量:41

Lab experimental study on soil-water characteristics of Shanghai soft clay
摘要 详细介绍了滤纸法、渗析法与气相法3种室内土样吸力量测方法,并采用这3种方法获取了上海浅层②1层土在0~1400 kPa范围以及全吸力范围上的土水特征曲线。由此可得以下结论:①明确上海第②1层软土的进气值在110~250 kPa之间;②上海第②1土层的残余饱和度对应的吸力值约为20 MPa;③上海地区软土的减饱和过程具有明显的阶段特征;④低吸力范围内,上海软土土水特征曲线存在明显的滞后性。 The filter paper method, osmotic method and vapor phase technique for measuring soil suction were introduced. The soil water characteristics curves of the typical Shanghai soil (layer ②1) in a suction range of 0~1400 kPa and a full suction range were obtained using these three lab techniques. From the soil-water characteristic curves obtained, it is clear that, the air-enter value for the testing soil is about 110~250 kPa, the residual saturation degree value is about 20 MPa, the SWCC for desorption process of Shanghai soil shows clearly in step-phase, and for the lower suction range (0~1400 kPa), the soil water characteristics curves for Shanghai soft clay shows significantly in hysteretic loop.
出处 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期260-263,共4页 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
基金 上海市2004年度重大科研课题(04dz12007) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目 上海市岩土工程重点学科
关键词 吸力 滤纸法 渗析法 气相法 土水特征曲线 suction filter paper method osmotic method vapor phase technique soil water characteristic curve (SWCC)
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