详细介绍了国内首套具有自主知识产权的10万t/a PVC旋流干燥装置设计思路、工艺流程以及开车运行情况,运行结果为:PVC产量345 t/d,蒸汽消耗≤0.5 t/(t.PVC),风机电能消耗29.2 kW.h/(t.PVC),产品含水质量分数0.26%,产品白度及黑黄点数符合国标。
The first set of 100 kt/a domestic PVC cyclone drying plant with independent intellectual property right is introduced in detail, including the design thoughts, the process flow and the commissioning and running situation. The running results are as follows, PVC production is 345 t/d, the steam consumption is not more than 0.5 t/(t·PVC), the power enery consumption of fans is 29.2 kW· h/(t· PVC), the water content in the product is 0.26 %, the product whiteness and black-yellow numbers conform to the China standard.
Polyvinyl Chloride