A new concept of original position stutistic distribution analysis (OPSDA) was proposed in this paper. In the OPSDA, testing informations of the specialities of original positions, of initiations and of statistics were taken as the basic characteristics to reflect the quantitative regular distribution patterns of different compositions and their states of aggregation in a relatively large dimension (cm^2) of the materials. OPSDA is a new technique, in addition to the commonly used macrocompositional analysis and microstruetural analysis, to be used for a more accurate and complete description and differentiation of properties of materials. Based on the combining use of the techniques of single discharge analysis (SDA), continuous scanning excitation spark spectrometry without pre-ignition, and high-speed signal collection and analysis, a totally new instrument of Quantitative Original Position Analyzer for metallic materials was designed and fabricated. As shown by the results of this study, under the condition of excitation without pre-ignition, signals obtained by each spark spectrometric single discharge were closely related to the initial states of the compositions in the respective position of the matetial. When the excitation without pre-ignition was performed in a relatively large area on the material, thousands or even millions of signals of single discharge were obtained , corresponding to the initial states of the compositions in the respective discharged position in the very area of the material. Based on the statistic analysis of the signals, some new informations characterizing properties of the material were obtained, i. e. , the statistic quantitative distribution of contents of various elements at different positions of the material; accurate calculation for the segregation of various elements of the material, the orignal position weight ratio (or the statistic segregation) attributed to different contents of elements in the material, the statistic compactness of the material the q
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part B:Chemical Analysis)
Original position statistic distribution analysis
Spark spectrometric single discharge
Statistic segregation
Statistic compactness
Quantitative distribution of inclusion