Aim:To explore operation for esophageal stricture caused by chemical burns and management of postop- erative complications.Methods:Operations for esophageal reconstruction,including colon interposition graft in 20 cas- es,gastric substitute in 2 cases,free jejunal graft in 7 cases,jejunal graft with partial pedicle and small vascular anasto- mosis at the end of the jejunum in 6 cases,were performed.Results:No operative death occourred.Complications of colon interposition included fistula of cervical anastomosis in 4 cases,stenosis of cervical anastomosis in 1,cervical inci- sion infection in 3 and adhesive intestinal obstruction in 2.One case had empyema caused by perforation of ascariasis in interposed colon.Four cases had complications of jejunopharyngeal anastomosis after the jejunal graft.Three of the 4 were treated by the modified jejunopharyngostomy and recovered their swallowing and speaking functions,and one had aspirative pneumonia caused by severe impairment of larynx and stenosis of the jejunopharyngostomy.Reconstruction of food conduit of the patient was performed successfully by laryngotrachea-grafted jejunum anastomosis.Conclusion: Colon interposition graft is an effective surgical treatment for esophageal stricture caused by chemical burn.Jejunal graft is the first choise for high position stricture of esophagus caused by chemical burn.
Chinese Journal of Trauma