红头阿扁叶蜂在海城1 a发生1代,以预蛹在土壤中越冬。翌年4月上旬化蛹。4月中旬成虫开始羽化,5月上旬幼虫孵化,6月中旬下树入土。发现红头阿扁叶蜂天敌16种,其中厚角跃姬蜂Xenoschesis crassicornisUchida为中国新纪录属、种。利用4种无公害农药对红头阿扁叶蜂3龄幼虫进行防治试验,效果达97%以上。进行了小卷蛾斯氏线虫Steinernema carpocapsaeWeiser室内侵染预蛹试验,7 d后预蛹全部死亡。
Acantholyda er2cthrocephala (L.) has one generatton a year m Haichang ,Liaoning Province. It overwinters as prepupa in the soil and begins to pupate in the first ten days of April the next year. In mid April, the adult emerges and larva hatches in the first ten days of May. In mid June they come down trees and go into soil. Sixteen kinds of natural enemies were found, among them Xenoschesis crassicornis Uchida was a new record in China. Four non-pollution pesticides were used against larvae in the 3rd instar and the control effect was above 97%. The control experiments with Steinerrna carpocapsae against prepupa indoors were made and the mortality was 100 % 7 days later.
Forest Pest and Disease