With the world's largest reserve and output of paraffin-basedpetroleum resources, China boasts an annual paraffin output of overone third of the world's accumulative total, and an annual exportaccounting for approximately 70% of the world's total trade volumeof paraffin. PetroChina annually produces 67% of China's totaloutput of paraffin and assumes the leadership, both at home andabroad regarding paraffin output, variety and quality. Due to hardline competition in the international paraffin product market,increasingly difficult integral marketing, and more stringentenvironmental regulations, elevated requirements are being placedon paraffin quality. The result is, high-quality paraffin resources arebecoming scarcer than ever. To maintain its leadership and addressthe developing challenges, it has been deemed advisable forPetroChina to develop and produce new environment-friendlyparaffin products, improve the quality of paraffin product inspection,grow larger regional markets, strengthen channel management, andadopt and implement international marketing strategies.
International Petroleum Economics