目的探讨颅内静脉窦血栓形成(cranial venous sinus thrombosis CVST)与眼科的关系。方法回顾性研究解放军总医院神经内科和介入科自2003年8月到2005年3月的入院患者,经数字减影血管造影(DSA)和(或)MRI确诊CVST患者47例。分析眼科疾患与CVST发生的关系。结果CVST患者47例中有眼部症状41例,占87.2%。CVST患者表现最多的眼科症状为视乳头水肿,占22.3%(应答人数百分比);其次为视力下降,为20.5%(应答人数百分比),其他眼科表现还有复视、斜视以及视网膜静脉曲张。无眼科症状患者只占到12.8%。视乳头水肿占所有症状的53.2%(应答人数百分比),仅次于头痛(87.2%)为第二位CVST表现。结论CVST有87.2%患者有眼部症状,这些患者均有可能首次在眼科就诊,眼科医生对CVST缺乏足够的认识,极易造成误诊或漏诊。
Objective To investigate the ocular manifestation of cranial venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), and to provide oculists with assistance to diagnose CVST. Methods 47 CVST patients who had been diagnosed finally by MRA or DSA from 2003 to 2005 were investigated retrospectively, The relation between ocular presentation and CVST was analyzed. Results Among the 47 cases, ocular manifestation accounted for 87.2 % ; of then optic disc edema accounted for 22.3 % ; visual deterioration 20.5 %. Double vision, strabismus and retinal varices were also found in the cases. 12.8% of had no ocular presentation. Optic disc edema was the most common sign and headache, was the most common symptom. Conclusions It's possible that 87.2% CVST patients visit oculists at their first time. If oculists are lack of enough knowledge, CVS T is easily misdiagnosed.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology