
移植、萌生、解读——20世纪初至1978年中国音乐美学学科性质研究叙事 被引量:1

Transplant, Sprout and Interpretation__Research on Discipline Quality of Chinese Musical Aesthetics from Early 20th Century to 1978
摘要 中国音乐美学——作为现代意义上的学科存在与发展,始于二十世纪初,主要人物为音乐家萧友梅。这一时期,在介绍西方音乐学学科的同时,将音乐美学作为音乐学的一个分支学科介绍到中国,由此,开始了我国音乐美学学科发展的历史。在音乐美学学科性质、研究对象和研究方法方面,依然转述西方对音乐美学学科性质的界定和认识,在具体的研究中,初步把中国传统哲学思维方式、文化特征以及社会结构特征融入其中,大胆汲取西方心理学、社会学的理论和研究方法,为我国音乐美学学科的创建和发展奠定了必要的基础。 As a discipline in modern meaning, Chinese music aesthetics started from the early 1920s, and the inventor was Xiao Youmei. While introducing west musicology as a discipline to China at that time, Xiao also introduced music aesthetics as a branch of musicology, so started the history of Chinese music aesthetics. Xiao followed the definition and knowledge of the west to define the nature of this discipline, object of the study and study methods. He made use of traditional Chinese philosophy, nature of Chinese culture and nature of Chinese social structure in his study in detail. He also absorbed theory and study way of psychology and sociology from the west in his research, which made the necessary basis to create and develop the discipline of Chinese music aesthetics.
作者 范晓峰
机构地区 南京艺术学院
出处 《南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版)》 2006年第1期2-5,共4页 Journal of Nanjing Arts Institute:Music & Performance
关键词 中国音乐美学 学科性质 研究 叙事 Chinese music aesthetics nature of discipline study narration
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