目的总结呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)患儿肺功能的动态变化规律,指导临床的诊断与治疗。方法我院2001年6月~2003年9月期间新生儿病房收治日龄小于12h的早产儿44名。其中RDS患儿22名,非RDS早产儿22名。于入院后1h到生后7d进行肺动态顺应性(CL),呼吸功(WOB),气道阻力(Raw),潮气量(VT)及每分通气量(VE)等肺功能指标测试。结果RDS惠儿的CL生后24h内为0.41±0.20ml/cm H2O/kg明显低于非RDS患儿的CL3.20±3.28ml/cmH2O/kg,有非常显著性差异(P〈0.01),在生后4d内RDS患儿的CL显著低于非RDS(P〈0.05),在生后5天内RDS组患儿WOB高于非RDS组(P〈0.01)。RDS组Raw,VT及每VE无统计学意义。结论揭示RDS患儿肺功能的动态变化规律。可用于早期诊断RDS及指导临床治疗。
Objective: We summarized the dynamic changes of pulmonary function in the babies with RDS for clinical diagnosis and therapy. Methods: We studied 44 preterm infants in our NICU. The RDS group included 22 infants and the other group included 22 infants without RDS. Measurements of pulmonary function were made in all babies from 1 hour after hospital admission to the birth age of 7 days. The parameters included lung dynamic compliance, work of breathing, airway resistance, tidal volume and minute venti- lation. Results : Compared with non - RDS, the lung compliance of RDS was far lower in the first 24 hours birth age ( 0. 41 ± 0. 20ml/ cm H2O / kg vs. 4. 20 ±4. 28ml/cm H2O / kg, P 〈0.01). Significant differences were found between the RDS group and the non - RDS group with regard to the compliance in the first four days ( P 〈 0. 05 ). Significant differences were found between the RDS group and the non - RDS group with regard to work of breathing in first five days ( P 〈0. 01 ). There were no significant differences with regard to the airway resistance, the tidal volume and minute ventilation. Conclusion: We found the dynamic changes of pulmonary function in the babies with RDS to direct the clinical diagnosis and therapy.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
Respiratory distress syndrome
Pulmonary function test (PFT)
Lung dynamic compliance