

Study of 583 cases of the 50g glucose challenge test to screen the gestational diabetes mellitus.
摘要 目的探讨50g葡萄糖负荷实验(GCT)血糖值的临床意义。方法对产前检查孕妇行GDM筛查、详细记录孕妇年龄、孕产次、身高、孕前体重及行GCT时体重、行GCT的孕周、不良孕产史、家族史、本次妊娠合并症及并发症情况等。分析GCT值与上述指标的关系。结果1.GCT阳性率24.01%,确诊GDM15例,GIGT61例,GDM和GIGT患病率分别为2.57%和10.46%。GCT阳性者中存在糖耐量异常者占(76/140)54.29%。若取8.3mmol/L为GcT切点,将减少25.71%的OGTT检查率而能发现100%的GDM和91.8%的GIGT。2.GCT假阳性共64例,其中小于32w者23例,在32—34w进行了重复筛查,发现GDM1例(4.35%),GIGT4例(17.39%)。3.GCT值与体重、BMI、孕期增重正相关。GCT血糖值与GIGT和GDM的发生率正相关。4.GCT阳性组早产和羊水过多发生率分别为8.57%和7.86%,显著高于GCT阴性组的2.27%和1.35%(P〈0.001)。结论GCT值本身具有临床意义,应重视对GCT假阳性的重复筛查:GCT假阳性也是围产不良结局的独立因素。 Objective: To study the clinical significance of GCT value. Methods: The pregnant women who attended prenatal care were screened for GDM. Material such as maternal age, gravidity, parity, body weight before and during pregnancy, gestational age, etc were recorded in detail. The relationship were analyzed between above - mentioned factors and GCT value. Results. ( 1 ) 24. 01% of all the pregnant women show abnormal blood value in GCT, of which 54. 29% has different degree of gestational intolerance. 15 cases (2. 57% ) was diagnosed GDM, 61 cases ( 10. 46% ) were GIGT. If the value of 8.3 mmol/L was used as the cut - point of 50g GCT to screen the GDM, 25.71% of the pregnant women would avoid being tested by OGTr and 93. 42% of all the glucose -intolerance women could still be recognized. (2) 64 pregnant women had a false - positive GCT result, 23 of whom received repeated screening during 32 - 34 gestational week and 1 GDM (4. 35% ) and 4 GIGT ( 17.39% ) were recognized. (3) Tile GCT value was positively correlated with body weight, BMI and weight gain during pregnancy. The GCT value was also positively correlated with the incidence, of GIGT and GDM. (4) The rate of preterm labor and polyhydramnios was 8.57% and 7. 86% respectively in GCT abnormal group, which were markedly higher than that of GCT normal group ( P 〈 0. 001 ).
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2006年第1期64-66,共3页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 糖尿病 妊娠 葡糖耐量实验 血糖 Diabetes Gestational Glucose tolerance test Blood glucose
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