为改进壳聚糖化学性质不活泼、溶解性差等缺点,采用壳聚糖中胺基、羟基可生成多功能基团的性质,研究了壳聚糖(CTS)丙烯酰胺(AM)接枝共聚的反应规律,及产物的结构性能。由反应的接枝率、接枝效率表明,在氮气的保护下,以硝酸铈铵为引发剂,控制m(CTS)∶m(AM)=1∶5,于60℃下接枝共聚的反应2 h,可制得一类新型壳聚糖改性絮凝剂,并用IR、SEM对产物结构进行了表征,同时用某印染厂废水进行了絮凝实验,结果表明,其废水中COD去除率可达到60%左右。
For overcoming the disadvantage of low solubility and chemical inertness, study on the reaction regularity and products structure of chitosan-acrylamide graft copolymer flocculant was researched employing the character of multi-functional group in amine group and hydroxide radical of chitosan. From the grafting and grafting efficiency can be drawn the conclusion: the graft copolymerization of acrylamide over chitosan is investigated in nitrogen atmosphere by using ceric ammonium nitrate as redox initiator, and the mass ratio of chitosan to acrylamide is controlled at 1 : 5 , the reaction time is 2 h and the reaction temperature is 45℃. The graft copolymer flocculant structure of products is characterized by IR and SME. The flocculation effects of the copplamer are studied by using dyeing wastewater. The result indicates that removed rates of COD can achieve 60% in wastewater.
Journal of Qingdao University(Engineering & Technology Edition)