主要研究如何通过基于W indows操作系统内核的包过滤防火墙系统来实现网络安全防护。基于操作系统内核的包过滤防火墙系统是基于网络层实现的包过滤防火墙系统,该系统要求能够对所有进出计算机的IP数据包进行灵活控制,实现包过滤的核心问题是如何截获所有的IP数据包。首先介绍了包过滤防火墙的基本结构和原理,然后在剖析操作系统内核的基础上,研究并设计了基于W indows操作系统内核的包过滤防火墙系统。
This paper analyzes the network security protection realized by a packet fiher firewall system based on Windows operation system Kernel. The implementation of a packet filter firewall system based on Windows operation system Kernel is performed on the network layer. It requires the control of the IP data pack, and the data pack filter is used to intercept all the IP data pack. The paper analyzes the basic principle and structure of a packet filter firewall. After discussing the operation system Kernel, a packet filter firewall system based on Windows operation system Kernel is designed and implemented.
Electronic Engineer