以1988年和2000年遥感影像为数据源,在ERDAS IMAGINE遥感图像处理软件的支持下,获取了抚州地区两期土地利用/覆盖结果分类图。在此过程中确定了抚州地区土地利用/覆盖分类体系和遥感影像解译标志。通过计算机自动分类和分类后人工解译纠错相结合的图像分类提取方案,提高了图像分类提取的效率和精度。动态监测结果表明,从 1988-2000年,面积减少的地类为耕地和林地,面积增加的地类为园地、居民点及工矿用地、水域和未利用土地,并对其变化结果进行了分析。
Two land use/cover plots are obtained that is supported by remote image process software ERDAS IMAGINE by taking TM data in1988 and 2000. The land use/cover classification system and remote imagine interpretation characteristics are established in this process. The imagine classification efficiency and accuracy are increased by combining automatic classification of computer and post-classification of manual interpretation. The resuit, according to dynamic monitoring, is as follows. The increased land types is agriculture and woodland, the decreased land types is garden-plot, residential area , water area and unused land from 1988 to 2000. And variable result is analyzed and discussed.
Journal of East China Institute of Technology