由于国内尚无青少年全血铜、锌、铁、钙含量的正常值标准,为探讨其正常值范围,根据广州地区193名中学生全血铜、锌、铁、钙含量的测定结果,初步提出了广州地区13至18岁青少年全血铜、锌、铁、钙含量的正常值范围.结果表明,广州地区13至18岁青少年血铜含量均值为0.77 μg/g,正常值0.52~1.02 μg/g;锌含量:13~岁均值5.22 μg/g,正常值>3.93 μg/g;15~岁均值为5.54 μg/g,正常值>4.40 μg/g;17~岁均值为5.68 μg/g,正常值>5.06 μg/g;铁含量均值为500.00 μg/g,正常值363.00~637.00 μg/g;钙含量均值为78.70 μg/g,正常值>53.00 μg/g.提示青少年除锌含量有必要按年龄组确定正常值范围之外,血铜、铁、钙含量的正常值范围可不按年龄和性别划分,均可合并计算.
In order to study the normal standard values of copper, zinc, iron, calcium in whole blood of teenager group in our country, according to measure result, the normal values range about copper, zinc, iron, calcium in whole blood were 193 normal middle school students were divided the 3 groups according difference age. The age were foUowed the 13 ~ , 15 ~ , 17~years old to conform 3 group to detect the normal value range and means in the blood. The results show that the content of copper, zinc, iron, calcium in whole blood range for 193 middle school students in the region of Guangzhou. The nonnal value range of the content in the blood were put forward as for the mean 0.77μg/g (the normal value 0.52~ 1.02μg/g) of copper, the mean 500.00μg/g (the normal value 363.00 ~ 637.00μg/g) of iron, the mean 78.70 μg/g (the normal value 〉 53.00 μg/g) of calcium in the 13 ~ 18 years old the teenager in the region of Guanzhou at the first time. The mean and the nonnal value of the zinc indicated at difference group. It concludes besides the nonnal value range of the zinc content in the blood need to according the age to conform the group, the normal value range of copper, iron, calcium content in the blood needn't to according the age and sex to con- form group and can calculate together.
Trace Elements Science
normal value
normal values