

From Dong Yuan to Huang Gong-wang :The Succession and Development of South China Painting School
摘要 董源与黄公望,两位都是我国早期杰出的山水画大师。董源生活在五代,其《潇湘图》、《夏山图》、《夏景山口待渡图》等都是我国美术史上少见的珍品。他在艺术上的创造及主张,对后人影响颇深。宋代米芾对其推崇备至,元代赵孟頫、高克恭及“元四家”几乎都从董源那变化出来,而最能将董源的江南画派发扬光大的则非“元四家”之一的黄公望莫属。黄公望遵循董源以造化为师的创作道路,以笔墨精湛,苍茫秀逸,澹远宏浑的艺术风格被董其昌称为“元四家”之首。黄公望彻底改变了南宋后期画院陈陈相因的积习,开创了一代风貌,并拓展出一个学董为风的时代,不但发扬光大了江南画派,而且彻底变革了南宋院体的画风。 In the sixteenth century, one of the bases on which Dong Qi-chang proposed the theory "the Northern And Southern Masters of Art" was that the Northern artists (the Northern Masters of Art), who usually painted rocky mountains in the North, tended to use the technique of forceful drawing, whereas the Southern artists (the Southern Masters of Art), most of whose paintings were about the hills in the Jiangnan area, had a tendency to use the technique of soft and smooth drawing. The most prominent artist among the Southern Masters of Art was Dong Yuan, who created the Jiangnan Painting School in the Five Dynasty. Mi Fu in Song had the greatest esteem for him, acclaiming his works, characterized by perfect harmony and nature, as unique works of art in Tang and above Bi Hong's or any others' in that epoch with the same painting style, from which the painting styles of many artists in the Yuan Dynasty were derived, such as Zhao Mengfu, Gao Kegong, and the Four Masters of Art. Among these painters, the one who developed the Jiangnan painting School most profoundly was Huang Gong-wang, one of the Four Masters of Art, who had an impact for six hundred years, and even dominated the whole history of the Chinese Landscape Painting. Huang Gong-wang, with his art style of exquisiteness in drawing, harmony and vastness, was acclaimed by Dong Qi-chang to be pre-eminent, followed by Huang Meng, Ni Zan and Wu Zhong-gui. Therefore, in this thesis, Huang Gong-wang is considered as an important painter who brought the Chinese ancient landscape painting to a qualitative-changed high on the base of Dong Yuan's art style through a comparison between Huang Gong-wang and Dong Yuan on the aspects of the painting technique, the creative theory and the background.
作者 刘文东
出处 《广东教育学院学报》 2005年第6期97-100,共4页 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute
关键词 江南画派 董源 黄公望 平淡天真 the Jiangnan Painting school Dong Yuan, Huang Gong-wang perfect harmony and nature plain and simple
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