网络技术的飞速发展不但在于技术的深化,更在于新技术元素的创立。SVG作为网络图形的新家族成员,一改过去网络图形只重形式,忽略内容的缺点,渐渐显示其独特且强大之处,也为G IS提供了一个方便快捷的网络平台。本文探究基础地理信息系统功能在SVG中的实现技术。
Web techniques are developing quickly not only by being researching deeper and deeper into former approaches, but more importantly by anticipation of new elements. As a new member of web graphics, SVG has remodel the function of old formats of internet graphic which emphasize too much on appearance but ignoring the contents. SVG is bringing internet into a world of new graphics, providing a shortcut for WebGIS. The thesis introduces the main methods and procedures about applying SVG into WebGIS.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology