目的探讨中西医结合四联疗法对难治性肾病的治疗作用。方法 96例难治性肾病患者根据入院前对激素治疗的疗效不同,分为激素耐药组和激素依赖组,两组均行肾活检术明确病理诊断,给予地塞米松、盐酸氮芥、降纤酶及中药治疗。临床观察两组问病理类型是否存在差异及本方法对不同病理类型的治疗效果。结果 96例中完全缓解59.38%,显著缓解15.62%,部分缓解13.34%,无效11.16%,两组间病理类型及不同病理类型的缓解率存在差异均有统计学意义。结论中西医结合四联疗法对难治性肾病有确切的临床效果,其疗效与病理类型有关,对激素依赖型疗效显著,值得临床推广。
Objective To explore the effect of applying a regimen of Dexamethasone, Nitrogen Mustard, Defibrase and Chinese medicine, which combined TCM with Wostem Medicine, to treat refractory nephrotie syndrome. Methods 96 patients with refractory nephrotie syndrome were dinided into two groups: predmisone - resistant group and predmisone - dependent group, according to the reaction to predmisone before treatment in our hospital. The pathology type of two groups were identified by renal biopsy. Two groups were treated with Dexamethasone, Nitrogen Mustard, Defibrase and Chinese medicine. Then we observe whether the pathology type is different between two groups and the effect of the thempy on different pathology type. Results In 96 eases, complete remission 59.38%, significant remission 15.62%, partial remission 13.34%, and no remission 11.16%. The pathology type of two groups and the remission ratio of different pathology type were different, and the difference was considered statistically significant. Conclusion The effect is relevant to hte pathology type. This therapy have effect to the patients who were dependent on predmisone and can be apllied in clinical practice universaly.
Bulletin of Medical Research
Therapy combined TCM with western medicine Refractory nephrotic syndrome pathoogy type Therapy effect